Represents property DataCashField. Use to specify the string name of the field containing the cash data in the data set connected to TMaxIRR via the DataSource property.
Represents property DataDateField. Use to specify the string name of the field containing the date data in the data set connected to TMaxIRR via the DataSource property.
Represents property DataSource. Use to specify the TDataSource component that connects TMaxIRR to the data set containing cash flows.
Represents property EndDate, a TDate type. Use to specify the ending date of a date range that falls within the range of dates in the cash flow data. (For example, given an investment held for a number of years, calculate the IRR for calendar 2015. The EndDate would be set to 12/31/2015.) May also be used to specify a date when the salvage value of a project will be or has been recovered and the salvage value is not included in the cash flow data. See the demo project for an example.
Represents property EndSalvage, a Currency type. Use to specify cash received on the EndDate. See the demo project for an example.
Represents property IRRGuess1, a Double type. Use to specify (a) the first of two initial IRR guesses used by the secant (smSecant) calculation method, or (b) the initial guess in the bisection (smBisection) calculation method. It is initially set to zero at creation. At design time, formatted as a percent. Specify as a double at run time. Normally, it is not necessary to change this property.
Represents property IRRGuess2,a Double type. Use to specify the second of two initial IRR guesses used by the secant (smSecant) calculation method It is initially set to 0.15 (15%) at creation. At design time, formatted as a percent. Specify as a double at run time. It is normally not necessary to change this property.
Represents property IRRPrecision, a Byte type. Use to specify the number of decimal places of precision of the calculated IRR. The minimum value is 2, and the maximum is 8. The default value is 3 (0.000 or ##0.0%). It is normally not necessary to change this property.
Represents property MaxIterations,. an Integer type. Use to specify the maximum allowable iterations before halting the IRR calculations. The minimum value is 10, and the maximum is 100. The default is 30. It is normally not necessary to change this property.
Represents property NPVCeiling,a Currency type. Use to specify the maximum sum of net present values that will be accepted as a solution. The default value is $500. Also see NPVSum.
•For the secant (smSecant) solution method, an EFalseConverge error is raised when the IRR solution has caused the NPVSum property to be greater the the NPVCeiling. •For the bisection (smBisection) solution method, a dialog box provides an opportunity to accept the IRR solution, before raising an error. Normally, the solution achieved with this method should be accepted since convergence has been reached to the specified precision. |
Represents property ShowResults, a Boolean property. Use to specify whether the Results dialog should be displayed after a solution has been achieved. Useful to examine info about iterations, how an IRR solution was actually achieved, and other stats about the solution. The default value is false.
Represents property SolveMethod, an enumerated type. Use to specify the type of solve method to be used. The smSecant method is the default.
Represents property StartDate, a TDate type. Use to specify the starting date of a date range that falls within the range of dates in the cash flow data. (For example, given an investment held for a number of years, calculate the IRR for calendar 2015. The StartDate would be set to 12/31/2014.) See the demo project for an example.
Represents property StartInvest, a Currency type. Use to specify cash invested or the investment's value on the StartDate. Cash invested is always negative. Therefore, positive values will be always be converted to negatives when setting this property. See the demo project for an example.
Represents property Version. A read only value that specifies the version number of the TMaxIRR component.